Maxwell Park Emergency Reponse Team (MPERT) is Growing

MPERT is proud to announce we now have six emergency neighborhood gathering locations throughout Maxwell Park called Incident Command Centers (ICCs). These ICCs are located in sectors: AA, AB, C, D, E, and I. Neighbors can gather at the ICCs to get or offer help during a major emergency. It is the ideal location to store community emergency supplies including radios, crow bar, tarp, and first aid supplies.

The goal is to identify two ICC locations per sector. Hosting an ICC does not require much work on your end. Your address is listed as an ICC and you give at least one neighbor access to this box for use during an emergency, in case you are not home; but nobody needs to enter your home. Once funding becomes available, MPERT can provide a 3x5 garden storage box for community emergency supplies.


2023-2024 Holiday Tree Recycling Schedule


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